Presentation-Tipps for Keynote Speakers in Spain

Giving a Speech in Spain can be different then in other countries of europe. Here`s why:

The NCP Database (National Cultural Profiles) contains great general informations about the cultural habits and behaviors of over 70 countries.

If you are a Publik Speaker and you give a Presentation or speech to spanish participants, the knowledge of this Database becomes very interesting to you as Speaker. Especially when you are not a Spaniard. But always keep in mind: The Informations form this Database can only give you a slight hint of how reality really is. And of course- not every spanish citizen is as described in this Database!

Ideas to take in account before your next speech in Spain

For the Public Speaker, here are the interesting parts of the NCP Database. After each Topic, I added conclusions for Public Speaker who intent to give a Speech or Presentation to a spanish audience

Concept of time:

Spaniards are classically multi-active, not linear-active. That is to say, the more things they can do or handle at the same time, the happier and more fulfilled they feel.

Conclusion for Public Speaker:

  • Even though your spanish audience may look at their phone or taking notes, the audience still pays attention to you
  • Make sure to catch the Focus of the audience with an entertaining Presentation-Style. The less boring it is, the higher your chance to have the full focus of the audience.

Body language:

Spanish body language is among the most overt of all cultures. Flashing eyes, exaggerated facial expressions, extensive use of hands, arms and shoulders are typical. Eye contact is along with the Greek, the strongest in Europe.

Conclusion for Public Speaker:

  • If you are the type of speaker who mostly uses words to impress and not your entire body: consider to use a more mediterranean body language. This means that you should use big gestures and open and versatile mimics.
  • Look into your audiences eyes. Spaniards appreciate regular eye-contact a lot.

Listening habits:

Spaniards are not dedicated listeners. They read less than other people in Europe and usually pay little attention to the content of presentations. They do, however, watch you carefully and sum you up by observing your physical characteristics, your mannerisms and your willingness to participate in the congenial and jocular socialising which will inevitably follow.

Conclusion for Public Speaker:

  • Let your personality, your friendliness and your body language support your content as much as possible.
  • Connect the content of the presentation or speech with a personal story in order to make it stick better.
  • Apply Storytelling to ensure, that the content of the speech has an emotional aspect that help to transport your message better.

Motivation factors:

Socialise as energetically (and as late) as possible. Relationship building in Spain is nearly always associated with eating and drinking.

Conclusion for Public Speaker:

  • Reserve time before and after your Speech in order to socialize. Sitting together and chat socially improves your credibility because the people like you more and therefore listen to you better.
  • Be ready to give your speech also later in the evening.

How to empathise:

Deference to a Spaniard’s dignity, respect for his station, personality and soul, is the key to his co-operation, alliance and affection.

Conclusion for Public Speaker:

  • If making jokes on stage, make them about yourself.
  • Treat your audience with diligent respect. This off course applies to all countries, not only to Spain.

About the author of this article:

Etienne Dubach stays a lot in Barcelona but works internationally.
He is a versatile and passionate coach, personality developer and author.
With over 1000 training days and 12 years of communication studies, he brings a wealth of experience and broad repertoire into all of his seminars.
Find out more about Etienne HERE.

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